Post-Labour Day timesuck: A site that creates custom lyrics using AI
Ugh. The day after Labour Day is always the worst. Summer’s over. Back to work. Back to school. Shorter days. It’s all downhill until winter, right?
I hear your pain. Ease yourself back into the routine by taking a break with a site called TheseLyricsDoNotExist which generates lyrics using artificial intelligence.
You begin by entering any song topic into the field. It could be a word, a proper name, or even an emoji and TLDNE will return lyrics based on that request.

I gave it a go. Naturally, I chose to use the poop emoji. Here’s what I got back.

Created by generation number #32296
I had an option of downloading the lyrics to a .txt file, regenerating the lyrics using the poop emoji once again or starting over.
Knock yourself out.