Ongoing History of New Music

The Ongoing History of New Music, episode 1030: The greatest onstage band bust-ups of all time

Being in a band is stressful. Everyone may start off as mates—or at least friendly and cooperative—but humans being humans, all of that all-for-one, one-for-all, band-as-a-gang stuff can go south very suddenly.

It could be creative differences, drugs or alcohol, conflicting issues over romantic relationships, or everyone growing to hate the bass player because his feet stink up the van.

Look, when you work and exist in close quarters for long stretches at a time, people get grumpy and irrational. And after a while, things just explode.

It can happen to anyone. In 1961, The Beatles were just a bar band playing in Hamburg. They almost came to an end when Paul McCartney said something not-so-nice about then-drummer Stu Sutcliffe’s new fiancé. The result was a punch-up onstage with McCartney taking the worst of it.

In 1965, we have just one of many stories about The Kinks. In this case, Dave Davies got fed up with drummer Mick Avory during a gig at the Capital Theatre in Cardiff, Wales. Dave kicked over Mick’s drum kit. Mick responded by braining Dave with his hi-hat stand. Thinking that he’d killed Dave, Mick ran off while Dave was taken to the hospital. Somehow, the band managed to continue after that.

The following year, Keith Moon and John Entwistle showed up late for a Who gig. Pete Townshend would have none of this tardiness, so when the pair walked in the door, they were shocked to find that they’d been replaced in the band with another rhythm section. Fists were involved…

In 1973 while playing at Knotts Berry Farm, The Everly Brothers broke up. Don showed up drunk, Phil got mad, smashed his guitar, and walked offstage. And that was it.

Fists and dairy products were thrown around in 1979 when Steven Tyler of Aerosmith got fed up with the wife of guitarist Joe Perry. Things built until there was a backstage fight where Tyler, Perry, his wife, and bass player Tom Hamilton mixed it up throwing some milk around. What milk was doing backstage at an Aerosmith show in 1979 is beyond me.

In 1980, The Eagles were near a breaking point on The Long Run tour. During a benefit gig, guitarist Don Felder and drummer Don Henley yelled insults at each other. Towards the end, Felder was heard saying “Only three more songs before I kick your ass!”

They did those three songs—including “The Best of My Love”—before they stormed backstage and got into a massive guitar-smashing fight. The eagles wouldn’t play together again for 14 years. When they did, it was without Felder.

Want more of these stories? You want drama? You want weird? Stand by.

Songs heard on this program:

  • Sex Pistols, No Fun (Live)
  • The Replacements, Can’t Hardly Wait (Live)
  • Oasis, Talk Tonight
  • Jesus and Mary Chain, Head On
  • Soundgarden, Blow Up the Outside World
  • Oasis Acquiesce
  • Brian Jonestown Massacre, Open Heart Surgery
  • Jane’s Addiction, Been Caught Stealing

Need a playlist? Eric Wilhite has you covered.

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Alan Cross

is an internationally known broadcaster, interviewer, writer, consultant, blogger and speaker. In his 40+ years in the music business, Alan has interviewed the biggest names in rock, from David Bowie and U2 to Pearl Jam and the Foo Fighters. He’s also known as a musicologist and documentarian through programs like The Ongoing History of New Music.

Alan Cross has 39742 posts and counting. See all posts by Alan Cross

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